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Environment Data Search

You can search / query / download Environment Data in 「Search by Map」and「Search by List」ways.

You can perform searches on the right and open a new tab to a specific page:
  1. You can enter the name of graphic data, such as: "Map of Soil and Groundwater Contamination Sites," "Air Quality"
  2. Input keywords like: air, water, pollution
  3. Alternatively, you can refer to the "Search by Map" or "Search by List" options above.

Mapping APIs and Tools

Use interactive tools to quickly configure mapping and location applications. Learn how to use APIs to access Platform location services.

Environmental monitoring information and imagery platform

*Only for MOENV Bureau of Environmental Inspection.

Four Function user can access [suspicious location report ]、[events confirmation and verification]、[See the result]、[About the Project ].

Ready-to-use Tools and Widgets

All Kinds of Tools and Widgets down below user can use .

Multiple formats of Data to point

formats(.csv, .kml, .shp). from the file are accessible input to map

Addresses to Location

Input the CSV file,via the TGOS API, User can get the xy Location data.

Parcels to xy Tool

Input the Parcels CSV data,Output the xy date in WGS 84 type.

Update Time
[Geospatial data Application and Integration Platform User Survey]

In order to improve the service provided by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan website (, this survey focuses on user satisfaction in several aspects, including website usage, available information, ease of reading, and convenience. Please rate your level of satisfaction according to your experience. You are also welcome to share your suggestions and thoughts about the website.

Your input will be used to improve the website’s functions and services. We hope to better meet your needs with its design. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey!

Online Survey URL:

[System Maintenance] The platform will be under system maintenance process on Dec 15, 2022 from 19:00 to 24:00, so the website will be out of service during this time.  2022-12-15
[System Maintenance] The platform will be under system maintenance process on Oct 14, 2022 from 14:00 to 16:00, so the website will be out of service during this time.  2022-10-13
[System Maintenance] The platform will be under system maintenance process on Sep 30, 2022 from 15:00 to 16:00, so the website will be out of service during this time.  2022-09-29
[System Maintenance] The platform will be under system maintenance process on Sep 14, 2022 from 18:30 to 21:30, so the website will be out of service during this time.  2022-09-07
[System Maintenance] The platform will be under system maintenance process on July 28, 2022 and August 4, 2022 from 19:00 to 21:00, so the website will be out of service during this time.  2022-07-27
[System Maintenance] The platform will run a disaster recovery drill on May 30, 2022 from 14:00 to 17:00, so the website will be out of service during this time.  2022-05-24
[System Maintenance] The platform will be under system maintenance process on May 26, 2022 and June 2, 2022 from 19:00 to 21:00, so the website will be out of service during this time.  2022-05-24
[Attention] Adjust the position and item names of the main menu.  2022-03-10
[Attention] Fixed the hyperlink of "Search by List" on the "Search by Map" page.  2022-03-10
[Attention] This website has been certified as conformance to level A Accessibility service since Feb. 7th 2022.  2022-02-09
[System Maintenance] The platform will be under regular maintenance process from 11:00 , 21th, Dec 2021 to 18:00 , 22th, Dec 2021  2021-12-20
[Attention] The marine pollution prevention and control business has been transferred to The Ocean Affairs Council since April 28, 2018. The following three GIS maps were removed from this site: Area Map of Marine Abandonment Designated, Location Map of Ocean Water Quality Monitoring and Location Map of Beach Water Quality Monitoring.  2021-11-01
[System Maintenance] The platform will be under regular maintenance process from 10:00 ~ 16:00, 12th, June 2021.  2021-06-12
[System Maintenance] The Platform will be under regular maintenance process from 10:00 ~ 16:00, 5th, June 2021.  2021-06-05
[Attention] EPA Bureau of Environmental Inspectors now can access Environmental monitoring information and imagery platform.  2021-04-14
Ministry of Environment
83, Zhonghua Rd. Sec. 1, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 100006, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
Customer service Tel. (02)2311-7722 #2311
Page views:
(from 2020-12-13)
Update time :2025/01/02
Pass A Web Accessibility Detection